Tuesday, 31 January 2012

2012 Learning at schools

 What an amazing way to start the year.  I felt so fortunate to be able to be able to attend the Learning at Schools Conference.  3 of the breaskout sessions I went to were full of information and ideas. The fourth breakout session was not of so much benefit as it was about ways to set up your classroom blog. Marion and I felt like the experts in a room full of other teachers!!!! I have downloaded information full of free learning games and activities for young children.  Please talk to me if you are interested.


  1. Yay go Yvonne. It's so awesome that you felt like an expert at your breakout. Really shows how far we have come as a school and as a staff with our ICT skills. Woohoo

  2. Way to go Yvonne! I read an interesting artilce that was about Myth busting. check out this link to it - i think you'll find it VERY interesting.


  3. Great that you found three of the sessions helpful but as Asri and Myra have said it is always good to know that we are well on track rather than being the ones chasing to catch up. Have you added the games to your class blog and we could check them out there?

  4. Yes I felt very priviledged to be there also and learnt alot. I really enjoyed the first session that we went to together. They did share alot of valuable resources. Have you visited their wikis? :)

    Here they are if you didn't get them.

  5. Congratulation Yvonne it just shows to show how much progress you have made over the course of last year. The question you need to ask now is where to next? One of workshops I attended was on e-competencies and how to be a safe and effective participant in an e-learning environment, this must be a real challenge for your little ones.

  6. Yeah i totally agree Yvonne, the conference was so inspiring. Great to be surrounded by so many teachers and educators who are passionate about teaching and learning. i learnt so much from just the discussions i had with others, as well as the workshops themselves. What an amazing presentation from Kevin Honeycott. He was my favourite!
    It's so great when you can be the expert for a change aye! I find it takes me so long to learn some of these things, however my husbands school has just started getting into blogging, and now i am the expert and know so much more than him, and am able to share my knowledge it rocks!
    How are you going with your class blog? is it up and running yet? Our class will have to check it out some time!
