Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Reflections for 2013

Thsi year I have consolidated my knowledge of ways to use ICT in the classroom and I have become more confident in doing so.  I have used the flip video and inserted photos and videos onto my class blog.  I have also used easy speakand use the interactive white board every day in the class room .  Parents and children have shown more interest in our class blog.  Have 3 more computers in the classroom has enabled more children to use the computers and I have explored more educational web sites for them to use.
On a personal note buying my own i Pad and using regularly at home has been amazing and I am learing new things everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yvonne
    Well done for all the amazing ways you are implementing e-learning tools into your classroom! I think that your own explorations with your personal I-pad certainly lifts your motivation to trial new tools/web pages etc with the children!

    Go you!

