Thursday, 2 May 2013

End of Term 1

This term I have had an i pad to share with Room5.  It has been exciting discovering new sites and activities for the children to use in my class.  We had a group from Room 2 come and help the children to take a photo of themselves, add an object and type their names.  The childen are very excited and can't wait to have their turn!  Teacher Aides have found the i pad useful when working one on one with the children doing simple alphabet games and maths problems.   Robyn showed me a great way to make a picture collage using pizap.  Its really easy to use and is so quick when losdaing photos onto your blog.


  1. Hi Yvonne
    Sounds like you have been very motivated to use the i-pad this term! It is pretty exciting to see. I think you guys need to shared the pizap app with others. everyone would welcome a solution to the length of time it takes to load photos to blogs.
    Can't wait to learn it myself!


  2. Well done Yvonne
    Hopefully we can get more devices into your room so more learners, teacher, teacher aide and students, can be hands on with them.

  3. To Yvonne,
    It is great to hear the i-pad is working well in your class I know my kids love it too! Hopefully meeting with Te Kowhai will give us some new ways to look at implementing them in the class and making the best use out of 1 per 20 or so children.
