Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Term 2

This term I have increased my knowledge of the different ways to include the use of  the ipad into my classroom programme.  I found the visit from the teachers at Te Kowhai school very helpful and I also gained new ideas from the meetings at Southall.  Taking the ipad home and exploring the different apps is a must.  Learning how to lock the children into one programme is very useful as often some of the children in my class flick from programme to programme.  It was good that Elysia  (who helped me set this up) remembered the password to unlock the programmes!!! 
The master classes held at school are also great for learning about new ways to use the ipads in your classroom programme
Earlier this term I went to 3 night school sessions at Fraser High on the use of iphones and ipads.  It started off slowly and I felt quite as if I was an expert....for a short while, however as the sessions developed I learnt a lot.  I have been downlading books from the library onto my home ipad and have learnt about lots of different apps that I now use at home.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

End of Term 1

This term I have had an i pad to share with Room5.  It has been exciting discovering new sites and activities for the children to use in my class.  We had a group from Room 2 come and help the children to take a photo of themselves, add an object and type their names.  The childen are very excited and can't wait to have their turn!  Teacher Aides have found the i pad useful when working one on one with the children doing simple alphabet games and maths problems.   Robyn showed me a great way to make a picture collage using pizap.  Its really easy to use and is so quick when losdaing photos onto your blog.